All High School and College Students graduating in 2018 are invited to attend the 5:30 pm Mass on Saturday, May 19, to receive a special Graduation Blessing - you do not need to be a member of Holy Angels to be recognized at this Mass. The Bernie and Henrietta Scholarship recipients will be recognized and awarded their scholarships at this Mass.
Holy Angels is starting a new outreach ministry! We will be getting together to knit scarves for chemotherapy patients and for clients of Meals for the Elderly. You do not need to know how to knit to join this group - we will be learning together by using a knitting loom. Someone will meet with us to show us how to begin. Get-togethers will be on Monday evenings at 6:30 pm We will be learning by using a Loom Knitting Basics Kit from Hobby Lobby. Please see the information below if you would like to be a part of this exciting new ministry! The kits are $19.99 but you can use the weekly 40% coupon which brings the cost down to $12 plus tax. You will also need a skein of #4 yarn. It would be easy if we could bulk order these kits through the parish, but unfortunately the 40% coupon is only good on one loom at a time. Hobby Lobby only keeps two of these kits in stock on a regular basis so there needs to be a special order placed when a large quantity is needed. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please email Lori at [email protected] with your name, phone number, email address and whether you already have a kit or if you would like one ordered for you. I will give a list of names to Hobby Lobby and when the looms come in one will be put aside for you with your name on it. Remember, the coupon is only good for one kit at a time. Please have this information to me by Thursday so that the looms can be ordered as soon as possible. We need an accurate number of participants so that we know where to hold these get-togethers so be sure to email back even if you do not need a kit ordered. A new email group will be set up for those who are involved with this ministry. You will be notified by email when the looms have been delivered and are ready to be picked up from Hobby Lobby.
There will be a Mass of Thanksgiving at 5:00 pm this Sunday, February 12, in honor of Fr. Charles's 80th Birthday and 35th Anniversary of Ordination - please join us!
Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic? Adults who are interested in the Catholic faith are warmly invited to join the RCIA journey--a journey which will introduce you to our faith, the Sacraments, and Holy Angels Parish Community. Sessions are held on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. beginning in October. Please fill out a registration form and bring it to the Parish Office or Religious Education Office.
Holy Angels Catholic Church was proud to add a new addition to our church, Garden of Grace. The unveiling and dedication took place on Thursday, June 9 with Bishop Michael Sis and Father Charles Greenwell. Click on the heading to read the article and see more pictures!